Following on from the Emergency Planning Scenario ‘kits’ designed for the Accident & Emergency Departments at Maidstone Hospital and Tunbridge Wells Hospital, caleno creative were commissioned by the Head of Midwifery & Woman’s Health to design a ‘kit’.
Various figures were illustrated according to the uniform specification required for Tunbridge Wells Hospital, including nurses, doctors, police, paramedics and even expectant mums and partners.
The finished project answered the brief exactly and was delivered ahead of time and within very tight budget constraints.
Jenny Cleary, Head of Midwifery & Women’s Health, said “we used it to help discuss demand and capacity issues in maternity – the team set out an ‘average day’ for maternity – with the clinical activity in all areas.
Having the floor plans helped the team to visualise where everyone was was and also to look at where help was possible from the other clinical areas. It generated a lot of debate and discussions – which is always very useful.
We will be using this game in the future to help new ward managers go through some clinical events in the classroom – so can ask questions while not under the pressure of being on the shop floor”.